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    更新:HD/2024-04-17 07:03:45

    主演:娜塔莎·亨斯屈奇 Lukas Hassel 奥吉· 



    PAUL and JENNIFER HEMDALE have just moved into their dream house. But their happy marriage is about to be put to the test as they slowly discover the secret behind the black room in the cellar. Something else is already living in their new home and it is growing stronger every day. It has claimed many victims including the last owners of the house. Repairmen who journey down into the basement soon meet a horrible end. When Paul is taken over by this demonic entity, it is no longer trapped within the walls and is quick to take advantage of all pleasures of the flesh. Jennifer and her younger sister KAREN begin to suspect that something is wrong with Paul. Karen finds out the truth a hard and painful way, leaving Jennifer alone to fight the demonic entity that has possessed her husband and threatens to destroy her very soul. And Paul is not the only one transforming as Jennifer soon discovers that the black room is not only evil but alive as well and may not be able to be stopped!

    恐怖电影黑色的房间在线观看免费完整版由星星影院www.xxyyww.com于2023-06-14 20:11:28收集整理于网络,并提供黑色的房间全集优酷、腾讯、奇艺、芒果等高清视频观看模式。这里有各国动漫番剧,经典的电影,以及各大电视台热播的国产电视剧,韩剧,日剧,美剧,港剧等同步更新,让你在空闲下来的时候,可以尽情欣赏一部好看的电影动漫番剧、连续剧和综艺节目,为你带来愉快的心情!在观看中体会人生百态,在电影中感受奇思妙想,丰富情感,通过感官感受电影所带来的一切,在内心深处形成感情的共鸣。

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